British supermodel and All Walks Co-founder Erin O’Conner is desperately seeking a new home for her Model Sanctuary during London Fashion Week this February. Please read her letter, below, to find out more about this essential resource for young models and how you could help the important work of the Sanctuary to continue this season. - Ed

Dear all,

I am writing to seek your help and assistance to safeguard the future of The Model Sanctuary at London Fashion Week.

As you may know,The Model Sanctuary was founded in 2008 with the aim of providing discrete health guidance and educational support to young models in their most vulnerable early years. To achieve this aim I have assembled a growing team of highly regarded nutritionists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, fitness instructors, psychologists and advisors who are brilliantly supported by an army of London’s art and fashion college students. Each London Fashion Week season this group of extraordinary people combine tirelessly to provide an inspiring project to over 200 young people daily, empowering each to make informed choices on health and well-being. The vast amount of feedback I receive each season highlights the importance that has come to be placed on The Model Sanctuary and it’s growing significance to the fabric of London Fashion Week. Myself and my team are very proud of progress made thus far but fully appreciate the project has huge scope for further growth and development.

As with all non-for profit initiatives, The Model Sanctuary relies on the loyal support of sponsors, benefactors and volunteers. I greatly appreciate the assistance of the British Fashion Council and Covent Garden Estates who in recent seasons have provided the premises of 8 Henrietta Street for the duration of London Fashion Week. Unfortunately, it was confirmed to me yesterday that this venue is now subject to a long term lease. I have spoken to Caroline Rush CEO of the British fashion council with regard to finding a semi permanent space within Somerset House and unfortunately, it seems there is no room. With no other suitable alternatives available we are faced with the unenviable reality of needing to secure a new venue to allow The Model Sanctuary project to continue.

I realise we are working towards significant time constrains but I would like to ask for your assistance to help find ALTERNATIVE PREMISES to allow The Model Sanctuary to operate for this coming London Fashion Week in February. I appreciate a request of this type is unusual, but I hope amongst us all we will be able to find a way to allow this exceptional and crucial project to continue. I cannot emphasise enough how imperative it is that we secure and maintain the welfare of all young people participating at LFW not to mention the duty we have to appeal to a wider audience in a positive and creatively inspired way.

In short, if we do not secure a venue, the model sanctuary will not happen.

Thank you,

Erin O’Connor
Founder of The Model Sanctuary

If you think you can help, please contact [email protected] and/or tweet @Erin_O_Connor